Friday, 9 August 2013


Today a father is going to email Dr Judith Reisman ( to help her with research to stop porn addiction with men. A very brave father speaks out because he has been educated on the truth by Dr Reisman's research, that all porn was originated by Dr Kinsey a pedophile who's intent like Playboy was to break the family home. Destroy children's lives. And encourage abuse on women and sadly worse, children. He said "I want my daughter to grow up in a world that respects her as a human being and not a sex object." She deserves to meet someone in later life that will love and honour her.

This father admits his porn addiction destroyed his relationship with his daughters mother, and wants to work hard at changing and getting the family back together. His daughter misses him and cries because she wants and needs Mummy and Daddy together as a real family, not a broken one. He said he feels ashamed at the way he treated his partner and will do all he can to prove he is a changed person and be a father his daughter can be proud of. Family is important, especially for children and we owe them happiness and stability.

He said if he can help women like his sister in law get justice then it will pave the way for a better future for his little girl and others. His sister in law had a mental breakdown because of bullying by oversexed men throughout her life. Her husband would drink all the money away, bring people back to their home and try and force her to sleep with both men and women. And also made her sit through a porn film with his friend in the room, she lived in fear of being raped. This was before the Internet. 1 in 4 women hurt by men in the UK, 2 women killed a week. And Women's Aid have not researched how many are addicted to porn or tried to change the media to be more child and family friendly, why? No victims, no money! But we all know many victims don't we! We have to talk about it and change it.

I went to see my MP back in March about how disgusted I was that this Women's Aid website was allowed to advertise sex sites to humiliate the victims of abuse. Nothing has been done. Why? Well I think it speaks for itself when a Father MP tells me that the student girls are old enough to sell their bodies for money if they want to. Lets face it if Governments can force Pedophile Dr Kinsey's Sex Educational grooming and media on our society, teaching children to have sex with anything and anybody, then they are capable of anything. Even Women's Aid have done nothing about this website. What does that tell you? It tells me they are making too much money out of victims of abuse.


In 1994, Playboy tried to sue Dr Reisman on her evidence against them, which proves they were responsible for Child Pornography. Playboy lost the case as Dr Reismans had three decades of evidence from their publications. Think about all the dead children, all the children abused, all the grown ups who are mentally broken from abuse as a child and ask yourself is the porn addiction the act of someone who cares about children, or the act of someone selfish who just wants satisfaction and will do whatever to get it.

Here is Barrister Michael Shrimpton talking about our corrupt pedophile Government. Ask yourself how can the Government push through Gay Marriage, and now Prostitution so quickly, but ignore over 30 years of Forced Adoption for Profit (MP John Hemming exposes Secret Family Courts.)

Dr Reisman won in Croatia against Pedophile Dr Kinsey's Sex Education in schools. They have the lowest child pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease because they are taught to keep their clothes on. Lets face it only a pedophile would teach a child about sex.

Anyone that cares and wants to protect children will not bully those that speak out about our corrupt system. Put children first. Share this information with everyone you know. And stop the Government from destroying family life. Do something positive and help be a team player to create a child and family friendly environment for kids so they can shine in safety. Give them back their right to be a childhood and stop this pedophile grooming once and for all. Children want Mummy at home, and pedophiles want to destroy that bond and replace it with sex. Some men are just so oversexed it makes me sick, take a look at this.

This is what our Government wants to do to family life:

Share your stories and keep your children safe. Teach them to keep their clothes on!

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